Summer is right around the corner and for me, that means a lot of golf! Fortunately, I have been blessed with a lot of opportunities to travel around the PNW and play during college and over the last several summers. Golf is one of my biggest passions, and something that gives me a lot of peace, while providing me opportunities to better myself.
Golf is a game that a lot of people do not quite understand. It is one of the most difficult sports to master, considering there is truly not a way to beat the game. Always providing new and exciting challenges, no other sport can really compare. There is truly nobody else to blame for any mistake on the golf course, other than yourself. Individual sports have always been intriguing to me, based on the fact that it is all up to me whether or not I succeed or fail.
My golf journey is something that will be discussed heavily throughout my blog, and provide a chance for me to remain sane. Getting thoughts onto paper(or screen) is extremely helpful in relieving the stress of the game. Golf is such a mentally challenging game and the psychological aspects of it always keep each day new and exciting.
More news and thoughts coming soon!